60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

血管年齢~Not Always Worry A Lot










Do you pay attention to your arteries? As for me, I do (not always worry a lot though). My father suffered brain infarction at the age of 61 and my mother had a brain hemorrhage at 83, making me afraid of strokes.


Thus I try to eat, exercise, and sleep well in the hope that such a lifestyle helps keep my brain healthy. I also sometimes stop by at FANCL GINZA SQUARE to measure how old my arteries are.


The other day, I received a 90-minute aromatherapy massage (which my daughter gave me as a gift......I was feeling like in heaven) and measured my vascular age at FANCL (to my big relief, it was 11 years younger than my real age). 


Then I walked the Ginza district and noticed polka dotted pumpkins here and there. As you know, they are all the works by Yayoi Kusama, who is a world-renowned avant-garde artist. If you like the works produced by the 94-year-old creator with red bobbed hair, why don't you visit YAYOI KUSAMA MUSEUM