60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

常識が変わるときもある〜What We Believed Was True May Not Be True














I've recently read an interesting novel, "A Wild Sheep Chase" by Haruki Murakami, which was published in 1982 here and translated into English in 1989. In it, I found a passage (not directly related to its main plot) saying "margarine is healthy. It's a plant-based fat and includes less colesterole, thus those who eating it are unlikely to develop lifestyle-related diseases. The taste is not bad and it's inexpensive and keeps for a long time.


But now we realize that margarine is unhealthy mainly because of trans fats, chemical by-products created in the manufacturing process. It is said even a cockroach won't eat margarine. Honestly, in my 20's (1980's) I also believed margarine was healthier than butter and used to spread it on toasted bread for my breakfast.


Another example is here: we used to be told "Don't drink water while playing sports" when we were younger. This is also, however, scientifically false right now.


Whild reading this intriguing novel, I paid attention to this phrase, too: After having an unpleasant phone conversation, I (the male protagonist) started push-ups 30 times as well as sit-ups 20 times, and then washed dishes and did 3 days' laundry, getting me back to almost normal mentally.


I totally agree with his way of dealing with stressful feelings. I believe moving my body actively including exercises, cleaning, and washing makes me physically and mentally refreshed by increasing the blood flow, which will probably be true for me.