60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

マイペースがありがたい~Be at My Own Pace, If Possible














12/18(金) ジョギング(6.47km、7.16分/km)のみ
12/19(土) ジョギングを休んで20分ヨガのみ
12/20(日) ジョギング(7.38km、7.02分/km)+20分ヨガ
12/21(月) ジョギング(6.48km、7.07分/km)+20分ヨガ


左端の写真は三和由香利著『200のポーズがわかる YOGA図鑑』から拝借しました。


The former yoga world champion, Yukari Miwa, said in her book, “One of the tips to continue your yoga practice is to do it at your own pace without comparing yourself with others.


Looking back at my past, there were a lot of occasions where it was difficult for me to go at my own pace, especially during raising my children and working for companies or organization. To keep pace with someone might mean being kind to them or a chance to train myself physically and mentally.


After 60, however, I want to stick to doing something at my own pace, if possible. I just listen to my inner voice and decide what I do today or which I choose. Sometimes I will have to slow down or will be able to speed up. Whichever it is, that is my current pace, I think.


Thus I want to try not to compare myself with someone else. Just compare myself with who I was yesterday.

I want to spend each day like this:
not to disappoint who I was yesterday, and
to make who I will be tomorrow proud of who I am today.


The exercise logs for these 4 days:
Dec 18th(Fri) jogging (6.47km at a 7.16min/km)
Dec 19th(Sat) no jogging, only 20-min yoga
Dec 20th(Sun) jogging(7.38km at a 7.02min/km)+20-min yoga
Dec 21st(Mon) jogging(6.48km at a 7.07min/km)+20-min yoga