60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

プリンターが寿命~My Printer Doesn't Work

HP Photosmart 5520。何年使っただろう?















I found my priter, HP Photosmart 5520, didn't work.
Considering that HP says the average lifespan of a printer is 3 to 5 years,
mine worked longer, which I appreciate so much.


I've been using some softwares for my work on a daily basis, but I'm still very poor at hardwares such as printer.


Looking back at the past......


At a US-based company I first worked for, I was terrible at using a telex machine. When I started translating at home in my late 20's, I had to write my translation by hand and brought the finished one to the nearest post office. After that I came to use a word processor, and then PC......Thanks to the Internet, now I can send my translation to a client by only one click and get more information at home (I don't have to go to libraries for reserch purposes). The technology enabled me to work much easier.


While my working environment is getting more convenient, it's getting harder to solve problems by myself when something bad happens.


In addition, the technology is developing everyday, and it's quite difficult to keep up with it. Since I am an analog person, I sometimes wonder if I can throw away all digital devices, my life would be much simpler and more comfortable.


I jogged 6.42km at the pace of 7.02min/km.