60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

健康指標〜How Do You Measure Your Health?












1/3(日) 7.08km, 7.05分/km
1/4(月) 6.29km, 6.59分/km
1/5(火) 6.26km, 6.47分/km





How do you measure your health on a daily basis?


I recently assess my health condition mainly by the following:


(1) Having bowel movements every morning
This is very important in spending an active day. With aging, necessary ingredients (in other words, unnecessary ones) and favorites have changed, but dietary fibers are essential nutrients that help in digestion and regularizing the bowel movements. In addition, drinking a cup of hot water just after waking up, doing about 30-min simple exercise (including Sun Salutation A & B), enjoying delicious breakfast, and then having relaxing coffee time help regular bowel movements. That's why I try to get up at least 3 hours before going out.


(2) Sleeping well (from around 21:00 until 4:00)
Good sleeping is the best and the most inexpensive way to improve our health. There are lots of tips for good sleeping: taking a bath 1 and half hours before going to bed, taking no caffeine after 3:00 or 4:00 pm, putting away the smart phone in the bed room, etc. For me, the most effective way is to be physically active in the daytime.


(3) Getting a lower resting heart rate
It's significant to know our general resting heart rate, I think. If it's higher than usual, you may have something bad: feeling too stressful/tired or having a fever, etc. In this case, you may recover sooner by taking enough rest and sleep, taking appropriate nutrition, taking massage therapy and stuff like that.


Here are jogging logs of these 3 days:
Jan 3rd (Sun) 7.08km, at a pace of 7.05min/km
Jan 4th (Mon) 6.29km, at a pace of 6.59min/km
Jan 5th (Tue) 6.26km, at a pace of 6.47min/km

* I still didn't do any yoga this year other than the early-morning Sun Salutation A & B :_(