60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

世界一のヴィーガンレストラン〜Do You Have Any Dietary Restrictions?







食事制限はベジタリアンヴィーガンだけではない。私のお客さんは欧米人なので、イスラム教のハラールユダヤ教のコーシャのように宗教上の理由による食事制限が必要になるときは数えるくらいしかなかったが、アレルギー、病気、主義、好みなどから食事へのリクエストはいろいろだ。ベジタリアンでも、魚を食べるならペスカタリアン、卵や乳製品がOKなのはラクトオボベジタリアン。小麦に含まれるたんぱく質グルテンがだめなグルテンフリー、グルタミン酸ナトリウム化学調味料)の使用不可のNO MSG、あるいは低炭水化物のローカーボなど。グルテンフリーの場合でも、セリアック病のためにいっさいグルテンを食べられない人もいるし、好みからグルテンを避ける人もいる。最近はグルテンフリーの醤油をスーパーで買うことができるが、日本食には、調味料や出汁にわずかでもグルテンや動物性タンパク質が入っている場合が多いし、MSGを完全に避けるのもかなり大変だ。










If you are a vegetarian or vegan lover, you probably know HappyCow, an online platform providing assistance in finding good vegan and vegetarian restaurants, by which surprisingly a vegan restaurant in Tokyo, SAIDO, was rated as No.1 in the world in 2019.


About 10 years ago, however, it was quite difficult to find vegan restaurants in Tokyo. For the past decade (before the Covid-19 outbreak), the number of international visitors to Japan has rapidly and steadily increased, which was mainly caused by weak yen, eased visa requirements, 2020 Olympic/Paralympic Games. Some Japanese lifestyle or values have also been changing from an environmental and health point of view. Accordingly different types of cuisine have been available here, I think.


As a guide, I've very concerned about what restaurant I should take my guests to for lunch. After meeting them at their hotel lobby at 9:00am on the day, we usually discuss and decide where to go, and thus I cannot decide the restaurant for lunch in advance or make a reservation. Based on the information the agent has given me (sometimes only the number of guests and their name(s)), I try to prepare about 3 options: the destinations we would go to, the possible restaurants for lunch. But they sometimes have dietary restrictions: vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, gluten free, No MSG, etc. I have to know lots of latest information of Tokyo restaurants. The more, the better! Of course, most of them love Japanese cuisine such as sushi, tempura, ramen, soba, Kaiseki, yakitori, and stuff like that. I was always very happy to see them satisfied with traditional Japanese cuisine.


As for myself, I've gone almost vegan recently because of my food preference as well as the inspiration given by my sophisticated, health-conscious, and smart guests.


Eating is one of the biggest pleasures in life, especially during traveling. Now, as you know, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a terrible influence on the inbound tourism industry worldwide and no one can predict the situation even in the near future. Hmm......I wonder if I'll be able to work as a guide and struggle to look for the best restaurant for my guests again.