60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

よく動けば、老後もすこやかに暮らせるか!? そんな試みを楽しむ日々を綴ります~~The fitness journey of a Tokyo woman in her 60's

挑戦マインドの法則~Taking Lots of Small Risks












Everyone has something he/she wants to do, but sometimes hesitates to do. This is partly due to being afraid of failure. 


Mr. Tsuyoshi Morioka (a professional marketer) tells us, however, we should take lots of small risks to build up our risk-taking tolerance. Even if the outcome is negative, the small risk usually does not lead to a large damage and we learn a small risk can be acceptable. Accumulating such experiences enables us to improve our risk-taking skills. 


As for me (now at 63), I cannot take large risks resulting in a serious situation, but want to keep taking on small challenges.