I've read a Japanese suspense fiction, "Kami-no-Tsuki"(literally meaning "Paper Moon"......it is not the American film, 'Paper Moon'), where a decent 41-year-old married woman finally pocketed lots of money from the bank she worked for.
She grew up with her moral values and after her marriage she struggled to find something missing in her daily life. Her corruption started after she met a young man. What she found as something to live for was to provide expensive things or opportuinites for him by using the fraudulent money even if the money was first used to pay back his debt. After starting to use the dirty money, she came to have a sense of omnipotence: she could go everywhere she would go and could do everything she wants to do.
But it's a fake omnipotence. No one can continue to deceive oneself forever. Just feeling deeply empty.
* Back to my real life.....
I run 6.23km at a pace of 6.31min/km as usual and practiced 20-min yoga, making me feel invigorated!